Are there any good points? Well, it’s not the sound, that’s for sure… the cars sound like they are a bunch of hairdryers droning down the street, the music made me want to pull my own ears off and throw them in the bin, and the whole presentation is just, well, a bit rubbish, really. So, Street Racer Underground looks dull and Street Racer Underground controls badly. You can learn to adjust, but you will spend more time crashing rather than carving through the traffic like a well-oiled dolphin, believe me.

Unfortunately what you have failed to take into account is the fact that the steering controls seem to work in geologic time, and are nowhere near sharp enough to allow for any consistent overtaking within a gnat’s whisker of the car in front to be a viable proposition. This is not an alien concept – Need for Speed and Burnout games have rewarded similar behaviour for years, so you may be thinking “Pah! No problem”. You see, the only way to speed up is to use Nitrous, and the only way to earn Nitrous is to get up close and personal with the traffic on the highway, overtaking it very closely. So, if we are stuck playing Endless mode for a good long time it has to bring a reasonable amount of fun, yeah? Well, apart from being presented with the graphics from a 90’s arcade racer, the lack of any kind of control of the speed of the car, or ability to hold our interest, the answer is no. You can also put different wheels on the cars, but quite why you’d want to (apart from the achievement for buying a set of wheels) when the car is viewed from above and they are invisible via that viewpoint, is beyond me. I’m not stopping there though, as we also have to contend with cars which are pretty much just boxes, which you can paint different colours in the menus. To make things even less interesting, the road you “race” on is dead straight so straight the Romans would have been proud. Forza Motorsport this ain’t, I think it’s fair to say.Īnd if you thought the premise was bad, the visuals on display would embarrass an OG Xbox, never mind an Xbox 360, and possibly don’t have any right to be showcased as a native Xbox One title. If you can manage to get close to other cars, you’ll earn some Nitrous to use.

The car accelerates itself – real racers apparently never touch the brakes – and the only other thing you need to worry about is steering through traffic (all of which drives in the same direction). This is a driving game that is viewed from a top-down perspective, much like Spy Hunter if you are old enough to remember that particular gem.